data binding angular 9

How data binding works in Angular 9 ?

This tutorial guides you on how data binding works in Angular 9. Data binding in Angular JS is the communication between the model and the view. Let’s see more in detail about data binding with examples.

Data binding in Angular 9

Data binding is the synchronization or communication between typescript code (Data Model business logic) of your angular component and the template code (HTML View). Because you might have some result from your typescript code as it may fetch some data from server or performed some calculation.

Actually, here output data is kind of dynamic and not hard-coded in to the template code (HTML View). There are two types of data binding available. They are one-way data binding (String Interpolation, Property Binding, Event Binding) and two-way data binding as represented in the following diagram.

data binding angular 9

String Interpolation – One-Way Data Binding Angular 9

String interpolation is used to display output data from data model (typescript code) to HTML view (template). It fetch data from/via component.ts file and display dynamically on HTML template (component.html file).

Data Model – Typescript Code

The below is an example data model; server. A data model is a collection of data available for angular application.


import { Component } from '@angular/core';


export class ServerComponent {

	serverId: number = 2;
	serverStatus: string = 'offline';

		return this.serverStatus;


HTML View – Template

HTML View is a view where Angular 9 application is displayed. The HTML view has access to data model.

And there are several ways to display data model in view. In case of String Interpolation we need to use double braces {{  }} to display the content from the data model as shown below.


Assume this is the template or HTML view for server component.

<p>{{'Server'}} with ID {{serverId}} is {{getServerStatus()}}</p>


This is the template or HTML view for root component or app component.



Server with ID 10 is offline

Note, String interpolation will resolve to string output in the end whether the declared parameter type is either number (serverID) or string (Server).

Property Binding – One-Way Data Binding Angular 9

Property binding is another example for one-way data binding. You can either use string interpolation or property binding in many situations based on your requirement.

Let’s see an example for property binding. Add new typescript property “isRefreshAllowed” in your typescript file “server.component.ts” and set it to false by default as shown below.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';


export class ServerComponent {

	isRefreshAllowed = false;
	serverId: number = 10;
	serverStatus: string = 'offline';

		return this.serverStatus;


Instead of hardcoding disabled property in your template (server.component.html) like below

<p>{{'Server'}} with ID {{serverId}} is {{getServerStatus()}}</p>
<button class="btn btn-primary" disabled>Refresh</button>

We can actually bind this “disabled” property in your HTML to an typescript property (isRefreshAllowed) by enclosing it in a square brackets as shown below.

<p>{{'Server'}} with ID {{serverId}} is {{getServerStatus()}}</p>
<button class="btn btn-primary" [disabled]="!isRefreshAllowed">Refresh</button>


data binding angular 9

So that the disabled property will be more dynamic based on the typescript property boolean value.

Square bracket indicates Angular that property binding is used here and we want to dynamically bind some property to the HTML element in the DOM during runtime.

Note, besides binding typescript property to HTML element property as shown above, you can bind other properties like directives and your own components.

Event Binding – One-Way Data Binding Angular 9

Event binding in Angular consists of target event name (“click” within parenthesis) on the left hand side of the equal sign, and a quoted template statement on the right (onServerRefresh()) as shown in the below example.

<button class="btn btn-primary" [disabled]="!isRefreshAllowed" (click)="onServerRefresh()">Refresh</button>

In case of event binding though it’s of type one-way data binding, but the communication happens from the template to typescript class when event (user-initiated) occurs in the template.

Let’s modify our server.component.html file as shown below. Please note, for events, you don’t bind to onclick but only to click.

<p>{{'Server'}} with ID {{serverId}} is {{getServerStatus()}}</p>
<p>{{ serverRefreshStatus }}</p>
<button class="btn btn-primary" [disabled]="!isRefreshAllowed" (click)="onServerRefresh()">Refresh</button>

And modify your typescript file “server.component.ts” as shown below.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';


export class ServerComponent {

	isRefreshAllowed = false;
	serverRefreshStatus = 'Server was not refreshed!';
	serverId: number = 10;
	serverStatus: string = 'offline';

	constructor() {
		setTimeout(() => {
			this.isRefreshAllowed = true;
		}, 3000);

		return this.serverStatus;

		this.serverRefreshStatus = 'Server Refreshed!';



data binding angular 9

Two-Way Data Binding Angular 9

Two-way data binding allows you to communicate from typescript class to HTML view and vice versa i.e., the combination of both ways that we discussed above.

In two-way data binding automatic synchronization of data takes place between data model and the HTML view. Hence, the changes would be observed on the both sides.

In this approach it is always ensured that typescript code and HTML view is updated all the time immediately and automatically.


[(ngModel)] = "typescript property"

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