Check which version of PostgreSQL

Which version of PostgreSQL database engine is running ?

I have credentials to access PostgreSQL via pgAdmin 4. Amazon RDS is a managed relational database service for PostgreSQL in our corporate environment. We got AWS notification saying that Amazon RDS support for your current version of postgres database engine ends and asked us to upgrade. But I don’t have access to AWS console or SSH access to this database service. Let’s see how to find which version of PostgreSQL database engine is running in AWS.

Check which version of PostgreSQL

To check which version of PostgreSQL you need to run the following query “SELECT version()” from pgAdmin 4 tool as shown below.

Check which version of PostgreSQL

From the above query result it is evident that the AWS RDS in corp environment is running PostgreSQL 11.19 version.

Why we need to check PostgreSQL version ?

In this case Amazon RDS provides newer versions of each supported database engine so that we need to keep your DB instance up-to-date. And Amazon RDS support for PostgreSQL 11.19 database engine is going to end soon.

Hence we need to check current version and upgrade to newer major version of PostgreSQL database engine which is backward-compatible with existing applications.


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